Send in protest details

If you'd like to send details of a protest for inclusion on the Protests page, use the form below.

Protest details Fields marked * are required
* The date on which the protest took place
* Where the protest took place
* A link to where any photos of the protest can be downloaded, e.g. a Google Drive share link or a link to a tweet with a photo attached
A short description of the event - can include links to press releases etc.
* A link to an online report of the protest, such as a Facebook or Twitter post that day or shortly after, or - better still - a local press report
* The name of the group that organised the protest
A contact email address for the group, if available
A link to a web page with information about the group, if available
* Your email address - will only be used to contact you in case of issues adding the protest details, and will not be stored or displayed