Building a ‘carbon bomb’ to wreck the climate

Despite renewed and increasingly-urgent warnings about accelerating climate change bringing devastation sooner than we think, and with disregard for the insistence of the International Energy Authoritiy (IEA) that to attempt to limit warming to 1.5°C Paris Agreement objective there must be no new oi [...]

June 2021

Barclays at summit of plastic waste mountain

A recent Greenpeace video brought to life the shocking scale of the UK’s contribution to the plastic waste problem creating an environmental catastrophe. Be it choking oceans, releasing carbon emissions when burnt, or infiltrating our food and water as microparticles, single-use plastic creates some [...]

May 2021

Fossil banks lose fig leaf

The projections produced by the International Energy Agency (IEA) have for years been used to justify fossil fuel expansion plans. The IEA's misleadingly-named Sustainable Development Scenario, for example, claims compliance with the Paris Agreement – despite featuring very little reduction in oil a [...]

May 2021

Greenwash and hypocrisy dominate Barclays AGM

Barclays is clearly feeling the pressure from campaigners and many of its own shareholders to go much further and much faster in reducing its financing of environmentally-destructive activities, particularly fossil fuels – so much so, that at this year’s AGM, after the procedural formalities, initia [...]

May 2021

Building a ‘carbon bomb’ to wreck the climate

Despite renewed and increasingly-urgent warnings about accelerating climate change bringing devastation sooner than we think, and with disregard for the insistence of the International Energy Authoritiy (IEA) that to attempt to limit warming to 1.5°C Paris Agreement objective there must be no new oi [...]

June 2021

Barclays at summit of plastic waste mountain

A recent Greenpeace video brought to life the shocking scale of the UK’s contribution to the plastic waste problem creating an environmental catastrophe. Be it choking oceans, releasing carbon emissions when burnt, or infiltrating our food and water as microparticles, single-use plastic creates some [...]

May 2021

Fossil banks lose fig leaf

The projections produced by the International Energy Agency (IEA) have for years been used to justify fossil fuel expansion plans. The IEA's misleadingly-named Sustainable Development Scenario, for example, claims compliance with the Paris Agreement – despite featuring very little reduction in oil a [...]

May 2021

Greenwash and hypocrisy dominate Barclays AGM

Barclays is clearly feeling the pressure from campaigners and many of its own shareholders to go much further and much faster in reducing its financing of environmentally-destructive activities, particularly fossil fuels – so much so, that at this year’s AGM, after the procedural formalities, initia [...]

May 2021